New Things Now, More to Come 1/05/07

What could possiblely follow a post about Wii pee jokes? Well, to show just how much I hate you all, I decided to make it excruciatingly dull and boring. I know, I love me too! So what is the point of this ramble? Well to tell you about some new additions to the site silly! Unless you are completely retarded, you might have noticed the new little text at the top of the main page. You didn't see it did you? Look up. A little more. There! Beautiful now isn't it? Basically it just shows what I have last added and when it was done. This way I don't have to pester you all with every tiny little thing that I add, and you know that I do actually update even if you see nothing here. For those of you who monitor the RSS feed, don't fear for big additions and changes will still have their own little article. Those lucky bastards! Don't think I will have to worry about that anyways since according to Feed-Burner I have 1 subscriber. Me. One tiny little addition worked up into a good sized paragraph. Am I good or what? Oh, and Happy New Year! -S2Hedeghog